
According to Wikipedia (LOL… I mean, let’s keep it real, this is THEE authority), Stretch Marks are a form of scarring on the skin with an off-color hue. They are often the result of a rapid stretching of the skin, often associated with rapid growth, but can also be influenced by hormonal changes associated with puberty, pregnancy, muscle building, etc. Stretch Marks may diminish over time but will never disappear completely.

The name for our blog came out of the purpose for our blog. We are two single, young, Black mothers who are currently battling with several different stressors. We are not only looking for an outlet; we are also looking for a way to establish a community that can create a dialogue around the day-to-day occurrences, triumphs and tragedies, stressors and joy-rides, that stimulate rapid growth on our person.

Stretch Marks don’t always come from something that has a negative perception – such as weight gain. Stretch Marks can come after something awesome and miraculous has happened, such as giving birth. Yet, for whatever reason, the overall impression that Stretch Marks leave on a person’s body, is negative, when it is seen through a societal lens. Our society is very focused on physical appearance, materialism, and marketability, and navigating through that to find ourselves and identify how to be our Best Self, isn’t an easy process. Our goal is to  expose the struggle of balancing our daily lives with our quest to achieve our dreams.We believe there is something here for everyone.

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