My Hair Goo Twists!

Today I decided to wash and deep condition my hair. Since I haven’t done this for awhile, I decided to mix up some hair goo as a deep conditioner, that I will actually leave in my hair until tomorrow… or maybe the next day if I get lazy. Now, I’m not sure if this is okay to do. I should probably look up if it is okay to leave conditioning products in your hair that don’t specifically say “leave-in conditioner,” but you know what, I’ve been doing this all my life. Not with this specific hair goo mixture, but I’ve always left conditioners in my hair for a day or two, if my hair has been feeling crunchy or damaged or what not. Does it leave a residue? Uh, yeah.. because there is a thick conditioner on it. This isn’t something you should do if you are trying to rock out with a shiny, lusterous style. But if you are just running errands or in the house or something basic, I don’t see why this would be a problem. BUT, I promise to do some research on this, and then do a follow up post.

Anywho, pictures of the process follow. Just a reminder, these are iPhone pics. Don’t judge me.

This is my hair, fresh out of the shower and towel-dried. No products and extremely tangled.

This is what I use for my hair goo. I use one part Shea Moisture Deep Treatment Masque, one part Olive Oil Replenishing Pak, and two parts Organic Virgin Coconut Oil. You can mix this ahead of time and store in a container at room temperature, or just mix at the time of use and put directly in your head. I actually just put each in, one at a time, just remembering the ratio.

This is my hair after I’ve massaged the mixture throughout my hair. I’m using a super wide toothed comb. My roots are tragic, I know, but I’m trying to wait to decide on what color I want to go next… very indecisive.

These are the twists. They are just jumbo double strand twists. I usually put about twelve in my head. This is just to make sure my hair is actually well combed through and the hair goo is evenly distributed. Just my personal method.

And this is how they look when they are done. I generally just let these hang out in my head at least until my hair is dry, but sometimes longer if I’m not going anywhere. If I do want to leave the house or I’m having company or something and don’t want to look like I’m on the set of The Color Purple, I just unravel the twists, separate and tease the strands by hand, and it just gives my fro a different texture and flow. Natural hair bloggers refer to this as a “twist-out.”

Here is a final shot of the dried twists. See how you can’t even see the hair goo anymore. I will update this post with a shot of my hair once I unravel the twists later!



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